Dance Legend: Deco Dance – Llarowe Exclusive

Flakies? Yes please! Dance Legend created a gorgeous polish exclusively for Llarowe called Deco Dance. It’s a gorgeous blue jelly packed with flakies. Yay!
Personally I think dark blue jellies can make your nails look ‘dirty’ I chose to layer this over a dark blue base (Denim On The Rocks by ANNY). Instant love:dance legend - llarowe exclusiveThe flakies have a green-isch color shift which my camera refused to capture. dance legend - llarowe exclusive2What do you think of flakie polishes?

1 thought on “Dance Legend: Deco Dance – Llarowe Exclusive

  1. I have the blue version of this polish, Sun Still Sleeps from the Candy Flakes collection (at the very least, it’s amazingly close) and it’s so beautiful. And oh crap, now I need the purple one!

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