
Hi and welcome to my little space on the internet!

My name is Sabrina, a 29 year old polish junkie from The Netherlands.
I have a serious addiction to everything nail polish related and like to share my swatches, nail art and tutorials here with you πŸ˜€

All photo’s are taken in natural daylight, meaning outdoors -unless otherwise stated-. Therefore my skin tone might look different in photo’s πŸ˜‰ I found that photo’s taken outdoors give the most color accurate result.

My passion for polish has expanded to an even more exciting level, creating my own polish. I make them one by one from the scratch. You can view and purchase my creations at my shop and read more about it on my ‘shop page‘.

You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin.

And if you’d like to get in touch with me, feel free to e-mail me at: polish.alcoholic [at] gmail.com or fill out the contact form at the contact page. I’ll try my best to answer you as soon as possible.

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy polishing!


49 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I gave you (and your blog) a shout-out on *my* blog. πŸ™‚ It’s sort of one of those blogger-on-blogger award things (the Shine On Award, to be specific), and if you’re at all interested in participating, please do. But if not, I just wanted you to know regardless that I love swinging by your blog – thanks for giving me something fun to read and stare at every day. πŸ™‚

    Shine On (or Becoming a Gracious Blogger)

    • πŸ˜€ For a very long time I used OPI’s Nail Envy to strengthen them. Since I began swatching and therefore use(d) a lot of polish remover, they became brittle again. And of course I had staining once and a while. Since then I use a base coat that needs to be cured. That prevents them from staining and gives them just a little bit more strength. But yeah, I still manage to break one once in a while πŸ˜‰ Oh… and I’ve heard great stories about Growth Miracle by Sally Hansen!

  2. Hi I am awarding you with the Liebster award. I love reading your blog you were one of the first people I subscribed to when I started mine. You consistently post (not like me) and I always know when I log onto the reader I always have you to look forward to, I don’t now if you’ve one this award already. but follow my link and look at mine so you know how to fill out yours. Congrats Tilly xxx http://londonmakeuploves.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=289&action=edit&message=1

  3. Hi there

    I’m founder of http://www.walkedthru.com – which is actually a blog community.

    We’re currently recruiting bloggers, of all subjects and professions to contribute

    We think your blog, Polish Alcoholic, is great and exactly what we’re looking for.
    It is fun, helpful, focussed, informative and your writing style and images are just great.

    We feel our readers and beauty enthusiasts would really love your blog.

    We also feel that your blog would be a great addition to our other beauty WalkThru’s.

    So with that we would love to bring you into the WalkedThru community!

    When we add blogs we ask that you send us a blog profile picture and a quick summary, so that we can introduce you to our viewers.
    Also we ask that our Walkers put our logo on their website, so that we offer some continuity to our users.

    So if we were to proceed and you would like us to display your blog on our WalkedThru community, how would you like us to list your blog?
    We would like to be as specific as possible, so what do you think is the most appropriate title?
    WalkedThru Nail Polish we feel is simple but perfect.

    We’re enthusiastic about you being part of our WalkedThru Community, and look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Luke ‘SkyWalker’ Connelly

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