Femme Fatale: Moonlight Statues

Hi lovelies!

I’m back with another stunning polish by Femme Fatale Cosmetics. This is Moonlight Statues:femme fatale - moonlight statues 2The moment I saw swatches of this I knew it needed to be mine. Such a fantastic color/glitter combination. The base is shifting from bright purple to blue and it’s packed with holographic glitter in various sizes. Lovely! I applied three thin coats plus top coat here.femme fatale - moonlight statues 1Can you tell I have a new camera? I am over the moon excited about it! My previous one gave up on me out of the blue. It wouldn’t focus anymore :/ Thanks to my man I now have a brand new one with a macro lens! Woo hoo!
femme fatale - moonlight statuesWhat do you think of Moonlight Statues? Are you as much in love with it as I am?